Who we are
Reimagining businesses through creative strategy and design thinking.
Suddenly, my creative outlet was missing. After graduating from a BA, just starting an MSc while working for a tech company, i knew there was something i needed. Something where i could fulfil my passion of helping others while giving my creativity free rein.
This is when LIS. emerged. The consultancy that rethinks current concepts and reimagines the future of your business. Where creative strategies meet designs - LIS. delivers a holistic approach that doesn‘t leave your identity behind.
Book your first (free!) session with us to find out how we can help you transform your brand.
Meet the founder

Lisa Eikmeier

Lisa's education is characterised by her first class BA (Hons) Fashion Buying and Brand Management, and current studies at London College of Fashion in MSc Applied Psychology in Fashion.
Her diverse work experience has not only shaped her skills, but her personality, too. She's open-minded and adjusts quickly to fast-paced environments. Instead of only solving a problem, she looks to defining it first as we miss doing that way too often.
Having completed a marathon and currently undergoing training for a triathlon, she is passionate about the sportswear industry and how she can shape it to be more creative, innovative, and sustainable.